The book was published on May 5th, 2022, for £38 (inc. p&p). Now, you can obtain it for a new REDUCED PRICE.You can order and pay for it, by clicking Order here below. The price is £20, plus £5.00 for postage and packing.
Online ordering is our preferred method, but if you wish to order offline, please send a cheque for £25.00, made out to Hampshire Ornithological Society, to the HOS Sales Officer (see below). With your order, please include your name and the address where the book is to be delivered, plus a contact email address and phone number. If you wish to send a copy overseas or have some other special requirement, please also contact the HOS Sales Officer.
HOS Sales Officer
Nicola Whitmarsh
Nicola can be contacted by phone or email – 01489 853116 or
Rare Birds of Hampshire
Hampshire has a rich ornithological history which can be traced back to the late 18th century when Gilbert White wrote the Natural History of Selborne.
John Clark, former County Recorder, has researched the records of rare birds from White’s time to the present day. Many unpublished accounts of the discovery of rarities are included, as well as several amusing anecdotes.
An unrivalled collection of photos is included, complemented by a unique series of paintings and sketches of Hampshire rarities as seen through artist Dan Powell’s eyes. A leaflet giving further details about the book can be downloaded here.
Here are some pages from the book. More can be seen here.