Planning applications

Grey Plover by Andy Tew - Nov 10th, PenningtonHOS has a small team which reviews local planning applications (alongside the Hampshire Biodiversity Information Centre – HBIC) to find those which have the potential for serious impact on Hampshire’s birds. Where appropriate, we register objections with the relevant planning authority.

To maintain credibility, HOS will only challenge plans which have a clear negative impact on the county’s bird population. We will not be able to challenge every application which takes away another green field site – unfortunate though that may be for local birds and wildlife.

If you are aware of an application which you think may have a serious negative impact on Hampshire’s bird population, please get in touch with our Conservation Liaison Officer. Also, if you would like to join the team which regularly checks their local planning applications for bird impacts, please also get in touch. From here on HOS will be taking a more robust attitude to county planning matters and where a development could significantly impact protected species, wintering or breeding habitats, or roosting sites we will respond as appropriate. I would also like to thank Barry Paige for reviewing incoming applications, which makes the process more straightforward.

The following sections show applications where HOS is, or has been involved. Follow the link to the local authority website to see the current status of the application.

Current applications

Pollution incident on River Test

Proposal outline

While not a current planning application, the pollution incident is very serious and HOS felt it needed to take a position on it.

HOS Position

Emails from Chairman, Keith Betton to Natural England and the Environment Agency .


While not a final outcome, the following replies were received from Natural England and the Environment Agency .

Development at King’s Barton, Winchester

Proposal outline

Large new housing development with almost no provision of Swift nest bricks.

HOS Position

HOS were concerned that the initial tranche of 420 houses would not have provision for a single Swift brick, indeed the whole development would only have 20 bricks. HOS has written to the Land and Planning Director of CALA Group, the developer, pointing out the inadequacy of provision and offering to give advice on how to improve this situation. The letter is here – HOS letter to CALA Group.


27 May 2021 – Letter sent to CALA Group.

28 May 2021 – Reply received from CALA Group.

Development at Squabb Wood

We are also expecting a planning proposal for Squabb Wood, near Romsey in the next few weeks. If any of you have bird data that could be relevant for an objection in the last 10 years then please e-mail the HOS Conservation Liaison Officer at

Recent applications

Development at Fleet Pond

Proposal outline

Extensive work on the north side of Fleet Pond during the bird nesting season.

HOS Position

HOS were concerned by the timing and extent of the proposed activities and as a result launched a formal objection. We are now seeking an update from the relevant authorities and will keep you informed. We would like to thank many HOS members who alerted us to the activities and provided us with material for our response, which can be read here HOS Fleet Pond – 8 Jan 2021.


16 March 2021 – Hart District Council has advised HOS that due to the objections raised the work will be delayed avoiding the breeding season. That is a good result!