The Hampshire Ornithological Society is registered as a charity with the Charity Commissioner, number 1042309. The Society Rules have been approved by the Commissioner and are lodged on the Commission website.
A copy of the rules can be download here, HOS Rules UPDATED Jul 2020 in pdf format.
In addition to the formal rules, there are Terms of Reference for the committees which are responsible for various aspects of the Society. Details of the committees and their terms of reference can be seen on the following pages.
Management Committee
Scientific Committee
Membership Committee
To handle regularly occurring situations, HOS has developed the following policies, which can be downloaded.
HOS Birders’ Code of Conduct
HOS Privacy Policy
HOS position on Development and Planning
HOS Data Sharing and Use Policy
HOS Safeguarding Policy
The above documents require the use of Adobe Acrobat Reader, this can be obtained free from the Adobe website.