How to join HOS

Sparrowhawk by Martin BennettHOS membership is great value. The current subscription rates are:

  • £16 per household for Ordinary, Joint or Family membership. The HOS membership year runs from January 1st to December 31st. New members who join after October 1st become members for remainder of that year and all of the following year. They will receive the Bird Report published in their full year of membership.
  • Free – for young birders in full-time education, up to the age in 21. (See below for details.)

Existing members who wish to renew their membership, please click here.


Please make an online bank transfer of the subscription (see above) to Lloyds Bank, Sort Code 30-92-02, Account number 01182908, specifying your surname and initials as the payee reference. Please complete the online Membership Form. Alternatively, you can download and complete the application form (pdf or Word) and email it to the Membership Secretary (email address below).

If you wish to Gift Aid your subscription, please print the completed form, sign it and scan it, before emailing it.

By post

Please download and complete an application form (pdf or Word) and send with a cheque made payable to HOS to the Membership Secretary (details below). For any additional information, please contact the Membership Secretary.

Free membership for young birders

Thanks to a generous grant from the Cameron Bespolka Trust, HOS is offering free membership to any young birders under 21 and still in full-time education, who live in Hampshire, or visit Hampshire regularly. They can live in neighbouring counties. It is also happy to fund the membership of Hampshire birders who are away at university. From time to time, we will aim to put on activities specifically aimed at young birders.

The offer of membership will be renewed annually so long as the member wants it and still qualifies. Anyone wishing to take up the offer should get in touch with Keith Betton via email for more details.

Membership Secretary

Kay Shillitoe, HOS Membership, ‘Westerly’, Hundred Acres Road, Wickham, PO17 6HY
e-mail: Kay Shillitoe, telephone: 01329 833086