The restrictions due to the Coronavirus pandemic meant that many of the walks and talks which HOS would normally run, were not allowed. To help make up for this a number of talks were arranged via Zoom. These talks have been recorded and can be watched via the links below.
The walks programme is now running again. However as the talks proved to be very popular, we will continue to run them during the winter months.
The most recent talks are at the top of the list.
Birds of late winter and spring
Keith Betton, chair of the Hampshire Ornithological Society talks about birds which can be seen in the county in the next three months
Bird Migration
A talk about bird migration by one of Britain’s pre-eminent ornithologists, Professor Ian Newton.
Autumn and winter birds
A talk to Wild Winchester about birds likely to be seen within ten miles of the city, by Keith Betton, chairman of the Hampshire Ornithological Society
Hampshire Swifts
Tim Norris, a member of Hampshire Ornithological Society, talks about Swifts and the Hampshire Swifts Project
Duck identification.
Andy Lester, the Conservation Liaison Officer for the Hampshire ornithological Society explains how to identify ducks in the county
Hawfinch in the New Forest.
Marcus Ward, chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Hampshire Ornithological Society, talks about Hawfinch in the New Forest
Peregrines in Winchester
Keith Betton, the chairman of Hampshire Ornithological Society presents an updated version of his Peregrine talk to the Wild Winchester group
Re-introduction of the White-tailed Eagle
Re-introduction of the White-tailed Eagle – a talk to the Hampshire Ornithological Society by Steve Egerton-Read
Saving the UK’s Curlews
Mary Colwell, author of Curlew Moon presents to the Members’ Day of the Hampshire Ornithological Society
Raptors in Hampshire
An identification Guide by HOS member, Martin Pitt.
Bird Song
Keith Betton, talks about bird song.
The RSPB’s Wessex Stone Curlew project
Nick Tomalin of the RSPB, will cover all of the RSPB’s work for stone-curlew in southern England, including those in Hampshire.
Hen Harriers in England
Stephen Murphy, the Lead Advisor on Hen Harriers at Natural England, will talk on Hen Harriers in England. It will look at the results of his work tagging and following our breeding birds in northern England, some of which pass through Hampshire in winter.
Introduction to Bird Song
Keith Betton, the HOS County Recorder will give an introduction to bird song. The video will appear here in due course.
Bird photography – camera gear & camera control
Chris Corbin of Oakwood Photography Tuition (, will talk about the different cameras and lenses, tripods, monopods available; and how to control a digital camera for bird shots including birds in flight.
Return of the Peregrine
Keith Betton, chairman of HOS, talks about the return of the Peregrine to Hampshire.
Birds of Wild Winchester
Keith Betton, chairman of HOS, talks about the birds which can be seen in and around Winchester
12 steps to Bird Identification: from Taxonomy to Notes
HOS member, Ian Packer will cover this topic over two sessions, covering Steps 1-8 in the first talk (taxonomy, location, habitat, season, lighting, distance, behaviour, sound) and Steps 9-12 in the second (structure, plumage, variation, notes).
Part 1 – steps 1 to 8
Part 2 – steps 9 to 12
Wader Identification
Marcus Ward will present on identifying the waders which can be seen in Hampshire. He will focus on the main families of Hampshire waders and confusion species.
Birds of the World’s Most Remote Islands
Keith will take us on journeys to see some of the world’s rarest seabirds – and in some of the most remote corners of the seas – from islands in the middle of the Atlantic, 1750 miles from the nearest continent, to rocky islets in the Southern Ocean.
Getting to know Gulls
Andy Lester, the HOS Conservation Liaison Officer presents an introduction to the commoner gulls in Hampshire.
Return of the Red Kite
A talk by Keith Betton. the chairman of HOS, on the return of the Red Kite to Hampshire.
Patch birding
Marcus Ward, Chairman of the HOS Scientific Committee, talks about the birds which can be found on his local patch in the south of the New Forest.
Autumn/Winter birds
Birds which spend autumn and winter in Hampshire – and where to find them. Talk by Keith Betton.
Everything you wanted to know…
Everything you wanted to know about birds, but were afraid to ask. Talk by Keith Betton, HOS Chairman and County Bird Recorder.