Rare Birds of Hampshire
Hampshire has a rich ornithological history which can be traced back to the late 18th century when Gilbert White wrote the Natural History of Selborne.
John Clark, former County Recorder, has researched the records of rare birds from White’s time to the present day. Many unpublished accounts of the discovery of rarities are included, as well as several amusing anecdotes. An unrivalled collection of photos is included, complemented by a unique series of paintings and sketches of Hampshire rarities as seen through artist Dan Powell’s eyes.
The book was published on May 5th. Click here to place an online order.
Checklist of Hampshire Birds 3rd edition 2019
The Birds of Hampshire Checklist. An 10cm x 15cm booklet which can be used to keep track of the birds you’ve seen in the county but, more importantly, gives information on the status of all Hampshire birds (up to the end of 2018) – the best time of the year to see them, first and last dates for migrants, the best months for rarities, etc.
Click for more detail on the checklist and how to order it.
A Checklist of the Birds of Keyhaven-Lymington and Milford-on-Sea
A checklist of the birds recorded from this popular and productive birding area. The modern day checklist is compared to the hundred year old checklist of Milford-on-Sea, written by Kelsall & Coles. The checklist was delivered to members with the winter 2018 edition of Kingfisher.
It is a 15cm x 21cm, 36-page booklet.
The checklist is available for £5 (plus £1 postage and packing)
Hampshire Bird Reports
2023 £16.25
2022 £16.25
2021 £16.25
2020 £16.25
2019 £16.25
2018 £16.25
2017 £12.50
2016 £12.50
2015 £12.50
2014 £7.50
2013 £7.50
2012 £7.50
2011 £7.50
2010 £7.50
2009 £7.50
2008 £7.50
2007 £7.50
2006 £7.50
These prices include postage and packing.
2005 and earlier, price on request, subject to availability. Please e-mail Sales officer (see below) for prices and availability.
Birds of Hampshire 1993
A comprehensive guide to the county’s birds. It contains chapters on geology, history of land use, development of ornithology, the birdwatching year, 348 species accounts and the results of the Tetrad Atlas Survey carried out in 1986-1991.
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Hampshire Bird Atlas 2007-2012
Five winters and summers of intensive fieldwork across the county by 1,200 volunteers, resulted in 800,000 bird records. These have all been brought together in one place in readable and highly colourful accounts of every bird species found in Hampshire over the period.
The Atlas measures 212 x 292 mm and contains 448 pages, with over 400 photos covering 285 species.
Sorry – Out of stock.
As the physical book is no longer available, we are making the content available for download. The book has been split into seven (large) pdf files, which together contain all of the text, photos and figures.
They can be downloaded by pressing the links below. The numbersa in the link refer to the pages you will be downloading. HOS is not making any charge for downloading this outstanding resource of Hampshire bird information, but we do ask for a donation of at least £5. This can be made using the red Donate button on the Home Page.
HBA 001–047
HBA 048–133
HBA 134–199
HBA 200-265
HBA 266–341
HBA 342–431
HBA 432–448
Ordering Information
Publications can be ordered from the HOS Sales Officer (details below). Payment can be made by online bank transfer to Lloyds Bank, Sort Code 30-92-02, Account number 01182908, specifying your surname and Publication as the payee reference. Alternatively, you can pay by cheque made payable to HOS and sent to:
Nicola Whitmarsh
To contact Nicola, please please use phone or email, 01489 853116 or hos.nwhitmarsh@yahoo.com