New Forest Woodlark survey 2024

Woodlark, Steve LaycockIn 2024, HOS volunteers surveyed breeding Woodlarks Lullula arborea across the New Forest Special Protection Area (SPA) where they were known to have bred in the past or where potentially suitable habitats existed.

Within the SPA a record total of 260 Woodlark breeding territories was found, plus a further 64 territories outside of the survey methodology.

A combination of factors probably contributed to the higher number of identified territories. Changing ground conditions prompting birds to relocate during the survey and ‘survey effort’ by volunteers probably played a part. However, it is also likely that mild winter conditions and increasing amounts of suitable habitat also meant that the Woodlark population is currently higher than in previous surveys.

The estimated total of 324 Woodlark territories is likely to be more accurate than previous surveys. It is far greater than Natural England’s target of 177 pairs and suggests that overall, Woodlark habitats and other factors influencing their population are currently being managed well by Forestry England, Hampshire County Council, National Trust and Wellow Parish Council.

A full report has been published here: New Forest Woodlark survey 2024

A shorter report will be included in the 2024 Hampshire Bird Report. The video below was produced by Forestry England to help raise awareness about ground nesting birds.